
This is a random blog site.

There is no general structure to this website, i just write about whatever i feel like writing about. Could be personal, could be a rant, could be actual real world news, who knows? I dont.

Tags will serve as a means of finding certain posts, same as the categories, use them to find posts about a certain topic, or search for keywords

If you’re family, and you found this, dont talk about it lol.

Why sizeof?#

Because i was inspired to create this site from sizeof.cat so i guess you can say im paying homage. I always liked randomly visiting their site, browsing through whatever goes on in that persons brain. I do highly recommend checking their site if you just want more content to doomscroll.

I guess you can call it a sister website? Not sure. I know that sizeof.life exists and honestly i’d have taken that name if it wasnt already taken. (or sizeof.me but thats being used by some random image thing, no idea.)

”This site is my own garden, it grows as I grow, it will die with me, and only stands for what I stand for.” - sizeof(cat) because i couldn’t have said it any better.

I’ve always wanted a place to talk about things going on in my life, or just things i’ve been thinking about. I keep it public i hope someone would stumble upon this site and find it interesting.

Who are those cats?#

They are my 2 cats.

The black one is named Bear

The tuxedo one is named Roscoe


Any and all emails should be sent here:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {
    // Let's do this in C++ because everybody knows C++.
    std::string domain = "pm.me";
    std::string email = "tcmv" + std::string("@") + domain;
    // Yes, that's my email address.
    std::cout << "Email: " << email << std::endl;
    return 0;


This website is not logging any data, is not using any scripts/applications for tracking its visitors and does not place any cookies on your computer.

Because there is no logging, i don’t know who is visiting this site, nor do i have any analytics regarding it.