183 words
1 minutes
Brain Rot

Does she just want me to kill myself i genuinely do not understand, it’s like everything she posts is indirectly targeted at me. Publicly posted but when i read the shit she posts it just reminds me of everything i’ve done and just makes me feel so fucking unappreciated, like nothing i did was enough and nothing i ever will do is enough. I could never point it out because it feels selfish, and i don’t feel like it’s intentional, but if i provided context, which at some point i may if it happens again, you’d understand. I feel so shitty and awful and i’m trying to get over everything but it’s so difficult and she’s unintentionally contributing to this. I know anyone would just say block her and move on, but it would tear me apart to do that. Holy fuck man where is my self respect?

I was hoping for my next post to be more exciting, next post being this one. Oh well, the next one prob will be. I’m getting a motorcycle, i’ll talk all about it at some point.