He broke up with her finally.
All that using and time wasting and she had who she wanted, but he finally left her. His parents didn’t approve which was clearly obvious was going to happen, but it’s so fucking funny that it finally happened.
She deserves no happiness, and i hope she’s rotting away inside her mind.
When we talk about someone being a witch, most people just use it as an insult, but she’s a witch. She deserves this, she deserves to fucking rot. And i hope to god she tries to come back to me, her and her dogshit apology, manipulative personality, and to top it all off, trying to fuck a 17 year old.
I cant condone his actions either, for staying with her for this long while knowing what she was doing, but i’m so fucking happy it finally happened. I know she’s upset, and that’s what makes it so much better. Fuck yourself dumb bitch.